

词汇 rookie
rookie. There is much dispute about rookie’s origin. Some authorities trace the word to a shortening of recruit, a term first used in baseball at the end of the 19th century, and others sug- gest the rook from the game of chess as the source. Most ety- mologists, however, agree with Eric Partridge who claims rookie as British army slang for a raw recruit as well as a pun on rooky, British slang for a rascally person. It is possible, if not probable, that rookie had an independent coinage from recruit in Ameri- can baseball and it is certain that the word achieved its popu- larity in the United States from its common use in baseball for “a player playing his first season in the major leagues.” Now rookie can refer to a first-year player in any sport, as well as an army recruit, or any neophyte.




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