

词汇 uncle remus
Uncle Remus. Joel Chandler Harris’s Uncle Remus tales, col- lected in Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings (1880) and many other books, were among the first and remain the great- est of black folk literature. In the books, Uncle Remus, a former slave, entertains the young son of his employer with traditional “Negro tales” that in St. Augustine’s words “spare the lowly and strike down the proud,” including the “Tar-Baby” stories and other tales of Brer Rabbit (always the hero), Brer Fox, and Brer Wolf. Harris, born a “poor white” or “redneck,” a pineywoods “Georgia cracker,” collected the authentic tales from numerous former slaves. One who helped him a great deal was an old gar- dener in Forsyth, Georgia called Uncle Remus, and Harris named his narrator after him. The tales, however, probably go back to Africa, where they were born among people who spoke the Bantu language and of course no Uncle Remus is in them. Uncle Remus is considered “a servile groveling ‘Uncle Tom’ ” by some blacks today. Versions of the Brer Rabbit tales without him have been told by Arna Bontemps and Langston Hughes.




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