belly-dance (n.)
也称为 bellydance,1883年,出现在一篇关于在波斯旅行的英国记录中,由 belly(名词)和 dance(名词)组成。在早期的使用中,有时被称为法国 danse du ventre,,这在法国对中东的记录中可以追溯到1872年。它在1883年以法语术语的形式出现在英语中,并且在1889年巴黎博览会上的表演使其使用得到了推动。
We agreed, and made our way to the mimic street called Grand Cairo, where we witnessed the lady contortionist who performs a series of movements, designated with charming frankness on the affiches as "La Danse du Ventre." It might with equal candor be called the Lumbar Wriggle [or] the Pectoral Squirm, for this curious Arab almeh possesses the power of moving any one of her principal sets of muscles quite independently of all the others, and can make any prominent part of her person waggle or surge, while its neighboring lines or curves preserve a statuesque rigidity. [Table Talk, September 1889]
我们同意了,并前往被称为大开罗的模拟街道,在那里我们目睹了一位女士的扭曲表演,这些动作在 affiches 上被迷人地称为“肚皮舞”。它也可以被坦率地称为腰部扭动或胸部蠕动,因为这位有趣的阿拉伯舞女可以独立地移动她的任何一个主要肌肉组,而其它肌肉则保持雕塑般的僵硬。[《Table Talk》,1889年9月]
The number of women [in the audience] was ludicrously disproportionate, and the number of American women was noticeable. Some of them seemed slightly pensive, but all were interested. Their large eyes grew larger still. They almost forgot decorum in crowding for a better view, in leaning over the backs of chairs in concentrated absorbed attention. [Scribner's Magazine, January 1890]
女性观众的数量明显不成比例,而美国女性的数量也很显眼。她们中的一些人似乎有点忧郁,但都很感兴趣。她们的大眼睛变得更大了。她们几乎忘记了礼仪,为了更好的视野而拥挤在一起,专注地倚在椅背上。[《Scribner's Magazine》,1890年1月]
这个英语名词可能是法语的直接翻译。作为动词出现于1963年。相关词汇: Belly-dancer(1922); belly-dancing(名词),1921年。
最早记录年份: 1883