back seat (n.)
同样地, back-seat,1832年,最初用于指马车,源自于 back(形容词)和 seat(名词)。到1868年,它被比喻为“不重要的或最不突出的位置”。到了1923年,有人创造了一个新词“ Back-seat driver ”,指那些给司机无用建议的乘客。
You know him. The one who sits on the back seat and tells the driver what to do. He issues a lot of instructions, gives advice, offers no end of criticism and doesn't do a bit of work. ["The Back Seat Driver," Wisconsin Congregational Church Life, May 1923]
你知道他。那个坐在后座上告诉司机该干什么的人。他给予很多指示、提供建议,发表无穷无尽的批评,但却毫不劳动。 ["The Back Seat Driver," Wisconsin Congregational Church Life, May 1923]
最早记录年份: 1832