sixteen (adj., n.)
"比十五多一个,两倍于八,四乘四的数字; 代表这个数字的符号; " 中古英语 sixtene,源自古英语 sixtyne,来自于 siex(参见 six)+ -teen。类似的构词法在古弗里西语 sextine,中古荷兰语 sestien,荷兰语 zestien,德语 sechzehn,古诺尔斯语 sextan 中也有。
The age of the gods is always sixteen. Sixteen represents the number of perfection, of plenitude. In man it is after the sixteenth year that the first elements of decay begin to appear, and when the moon reaches the sixteenth digit it begins to decrease. [Alain Daniélou, "The Myths and Gods of India"]
从拉丁语缩写形式 sexdecim, sedecim,来自意大利语 sedici,法语 seize。