shoo (v.)
1620年代,“通过喊‘shoo’来赶走(鸟类或其他生物)”,源自于驱赶母鸡时使用的感叹词“shoo!”(15世纪晚期, shou)。也许这是本能的或特别有效的:比较一下法语 chou,德语 schu,希腊语 sou,意大利语 sciò。相关词汇: Shooed; shooing。
最早记录年份: 1620s
shoo 的相关词汇
shoo-fly (interj.)
在1866年(在政治新闻中),“shoo”(动词)和“fly”(名词)的结合被用作对一种害虫的警告。这个短语在1868年以后非常流行,因为 Dan Bryant 的民谣歌曲(“Shoo fly — don't bother me”)在当年出版并广受欢迎,使它成为一个流行语。根据 H.L. Mencken 的说法,这个流行语“在至少两年的时间里困扰了美国人民”,并在国会记录中出现。
[A]n epidemic called the "Shoo fly," that has raged in New York and other eastern cities for some time, has at length broken out there [Cincinnati] with great intensity. Young and old have got it. Babies lisp it, and old men are heard to pipe it forth. The child, when threatened with chastisement by its mother, modifies the parental wrath, and sometimes escapes the impending rod by waving its infantile hand and singing out:"Shoo-fly, don't bodder me!"
[Knoxville, Tenn., Daily Press and Herald, Jan. 28, 1870]
“Shoo fly”这种流行病在纽约和其他东部城市肆虐已经有一段时间了,现在在辛辛那提也爆发了,而且非常严重。无论年轻人还是老年人都感染了这种病。婴儿会咿咿呀呀地说,老人也会大声唱出:“Shoo-fly, don't bodder me!”当母亲威胁要惩罚孩子时,孩子会摆动着婴儿般的小手,唱出这句话,有时候逃过了即将到来的责罚。
这个短语也被用于各种技术意义上。1908年,费城询问者报纸上的一份食谱中首次提到了宾夕法尼亚荷兰人的美食“shoo-fly pie”。
Its name is generally taken to be an allusion to the fact that it is so attractive to flies that they have to be constantly shooed away from it, but the fact that it originated as a Pennsylvania-Dutch specialty suggests the possibility that shoofly is an alteration of an unidentified German word. [Ayto, "Diner's Dictionary"]
Beam 的《宾夕法尼亚德国人词典》【兰开斯特,1985年】将“shoofly pie”翻译为“der Melassichriwwelboi”。
shoo-in (n.)
"易胜者"(尤指在政治上),1939年,源自于更早的“预先安排赢得比赛的马匹”(1937年)的意义,来自动词短语 shoo in “轻松获胜”(1908年); 参见 shoo(v.)+ in(adv.)。