shill (n.)
"骗子、拍卖师等的诱饵",1911年出现在揭露假拍卖的报纸中,可能最初是美国马戏团或嘉年华行话中的一个词,是 shilaber 、shillaber(1908年)的缩写,意为“试图引诱或吸引顾客的人”,本身的起源也不明确,也是一个姓氏。嘉年华行话通常非常深奥。动词“充当骗子”可追溯至1914年。相关词汇: Shilled; shilling。
The auction game, as practice in Chicago on South State street, for instance, is a sordid affair, run according to cut and dried rules which admit of no freshness or originality. The list of employees is made up of one backer, or proprietor, two auctioneers, one pretty girl cashier, and from two to ten "shills," whose business it is to stand around in the crowd and make fake bids for the articles on sale. [The Chicago Sunday Tribune, May 12, 1912]
最早记录年份: 1911