sentence (n.)
公元前1200年,“教义,权威教学; 权威声明”,源自古法语 sentence “判断,决定; 意义; 格言,箴言; 权威声明”(12世纪),直接源自拉丁语 sententia “思想,思维方式,观点; 判断,决定”,也指“表达的思想; 格言,谚语”,这是一个不规则的(分化的)形式,来自 sentire 的现在分词 sentientem,“持有意见,感觉,感知”(参见 sense(n.))。意义路径可能是“在头脑中的感知方式”到“观点”到“决定,判断”。
早在14世纪初,它就被证明是“上帝或权威人士做出的判断; 也指特定法律意义上的“裁决,法院判决”。它自14世纪末开始被记录为“理解,智慧; 有益的主题材料”,这个意义已经过时,但在乔叟的作品中经常出现。
A sentence is a sound in itself on which other sounds called words may be strung. You may string words together without a sentence-sound to string them on just as you may tie clothes together by the sleeves and stretch them without a clothes line between two trees, but — it is bad for the clothes. [Robert Frost, letter to John T. Bartlett, Feb. 22, 1914]
That sentences in Authors, like haires in an horse-taile, concurre in one root of beauty and strength, but being pluckt out one by one, serve onely for springes and snares. [Donne]
最早记录年份: c. 1200
sentence (v.)
约于1400年,"sentencen",意为"作出判断",源自 sentence(名词)或古法语 sentenciir,源自中世纪拉丁语 sententiare,意为"宣判",源自拉丁语 sententia。具体指"判刑"是在1590年代。相关词汇: Sentenced; sentencing。
最早记录年份: c. 1400