scad (n.)
大约1600年,一种在英国海岸丰富的鱼类被称为康沃尔鱼(Cornish),也被称为 horse mackerel,其名称来源不确定,可能是 shad 的变体。《牛津英语词典》将其与威尔士语 ysgaden “鲱鱼”,挪威方言 skad,瑞典语 skädde “比目鱼”进行了比较。
In July, 1834, as Mr. Yarrell informs us, most extraordinary shoals passed up the channel along the coast of Glamorganshire; their passage occupied a week, and they were evidently in pursuit of the fry of the herring. The water appeared one dark mass of fish, and they were caught by cart-loads, and might even be baled out of the water by the hands alone. ["British Fish and Fisheries," 1849]
据雅瑞尔先生1834年7月的消息,格拉摩根郡海岸沿线出现了最不寻常的鱼群; 它们的行进持续了一个星期,显然是在追逐鲱鱼的鱼苗。水面上一片黑压压的鱼群,它们被一车一车地捕捞,甚至可以用手直接从水中捞出。【《英国鱼类和渔业》(1849)】
最早记录年份: c. 1600