salvage (n.)
1640年代,“从沉船或被俘中拯救的报酬”,源自法语 salvage(15世纪),源自古法语 salver “拯救”(见 save(v.))。普遍意义上的“从危险中拯救财产”可追溯至1878年。 “废物材料的回收利用”一词来源于1918年,源自英国在第一次世界大战中的努力。
An allowance or compensation to which those are entitled by whose voluntary exertions, when they were under no legal obligation to render assistance, a ship or goods have been saved from the dangers of the sea, fire, pirates, or enemies. [Century Dictionary]
最早记录年份: 1640s
salvage (v.)
"拯救"(从船难、洪水、火灾等中),1889年,源自 salvage(名词)。相关词汇: Salvaged; salvaging。
最早记录年份: 1889