racism (n.)
1928年开始普遍使用,1935年起源于欧洲背景,“种族至上主义作为一种信条,即人类的特征和能力是由种族决定的理论”; 参见 racist,并比较 race(n.2)和 racialism 中的各种意义。从1930年代末开始应用于美国社会体系。
This meaning of Nationalism in no sense implies any consent to the doctrine of Racism, which holds that unity of racial origin is the main principle of unity for civil society and that the members of each ethnical branch should properly aim at grouping themselves together into so many national States. Although it is desirable that strongly-felt national aspirations, which often depend on community of race, should be satisfied, as far as this may be compatible with justice, Racism or the Principle of Racial Self determination, as it has been called in recent years is a materialistic illusion contrary to natural law and destructive of civilisation. [James Strachey Barnes, "The Universal Aspects of Fascism," London, 1928]
国家主义的这种意义并不意味着对 Racism 的信条表示同意,后者认为种族起源的统一是民事社会的主要原则,每个族群的成员应该适当地将自己分组成为许多民族国家。虽然强烈的民族愿望(这些愿望通常取决于种族共同体)得到满足是可取的,只要这与正义相容,但 Racism 或种族自决原则,正如近年来所称的那样,是一种违反自然法则的唯物主义幻想,破坏文明。[詹姆斯·斯特拉奇·巴恩斯,《法西斯主义的普遍方面》,伦敦,1928年]
最早记录年份: 1928