provincialism (n.)
1820年在政治意义上,“地方归属感与国家团结相对”,源自 provincial + -ism。意思是“某种狭隘的地方主义思想或兴趣; 缺乏文明或启蒙”,反映了某个省份或一般省份的风俗或方式(与大城市或首都相对)。这一含义始于1836年。 “地方词语或用法或表达”的意义始于1770年。
To me provincialism stood, and stands, for the sum-total of all false values; it is the estimation of people for what they have, or pretend to have, and not for what they are. Artificial classifications, rigid lines of demarkation that bear no relation whatsoever to intrinsic merit, seem to belong to its very essence, while contempt for intelligence, suspicion and fear of independent thought, appear to be necessary passports to provincial popularity. [Vera Brittain, "Testament of Youth"]
对我来说,地方主义代表了所有错误价值的总和; 它是对人们所拥有或假装拥有的东西的评估,而不是对他们本身的评估。人为的分类,刻板的分界线与内在价值毫无关系,似乎属于其本质,而对智慧的蔑视,对独立思考的怀疑和恐惧,则似乎是获得地方声望的必要条件。[维拉·布里坦,《青年的遗言》]
最早记录年份: 1820