pine-tree (n.)
古英语 pintreow; 参见 pine(n.)+ tree(n.)。
pine-tree 的相关词汇
pine (n.)
"冷杉, Pinus 种树木,古英语中称为 pin(在化合词中使用),源自古法语 pin,直接源自拉丁语 pinus 的“松树,冷杉”,可能源自 PIE *pi-nu-,根据词根 *peie- 翻译为“变胖,肿胀”(见 fat(形容词))。
如果是这样,那么这种树木的名称将是对其树脂或松香的参考。比较梵语 pituh,“汁液,树脂”, pitudaruh,“松树”,希腊语 pitys,“松树”。也参见 pitch(名词)。母语古英语单词是 furh(请参见 fir)。南部美国俚语于1858年使用的 Pine-top “廉价非法威士忌酒”。
Most of us have wished vaguely & vainly at times that they knew a fir from a pine. As the Scotch fir is not a fir strictly speaking, but a pine, & as we shall continue to ignore this fact, it is plain that the matter concerns the botanist more than the man in the street. [Fowler]
tree (n.)
古英语 treo, treow “树木”(也指“木材、木梁、原木、木桩”),源自原始日耳曼语 *trewam(源自古弗里西亚语 tre,古萨克森语 trio,古诺尔斯语 tre,哥特语 triu “树木”),源自 PIE *drew-o-,是 *deru- “坚固、稳定”的词根的带后缀的变体形式,具有“木材、树木”的专业意义和指代木制品的派生词。
The line which divides trees from shrubs is largely arbitrary, and dependent upon habit rather than size, the tree having a single trunk usually unbranched for some distance above the ground, while a shrub has usually several stems from the same root and each without a proper trunk. [Century Dictionary]
在古英语和中古英语中,也指“木制品”,特别是十字架和绞刑架(如伦敦外著名的 Tyburn tree)。中古英语还有复数 treen,形容词 treen(古英语 treowen “木制的”)。荷兰语 boom,德语 Baum,通常用于“树木”的词,请参见 beam(n.)。
“马鞍框架”的意思来自1530年代。表示“以树形图形式呈现家庭关系”的意思可追溯至公元1300年左右。1989年出现了 Tree-hugger 这个蔑称,用于指代“环保主义者”。
Minc'd Pyes do not grow upon every tree,
But search the Ovens for them, and there they be.
["Poor Robin," Almanack, 1669]