paranoia (n.)
"一种以系统化妄想为特征的精神障碍,其范围或多或少是明确的," 1848年(早期 paranoea 1811年),源自希腊语 paranoia "精神错乱,疯狂",来自 paranoos "精神病,疯狂",来自 para- "旁边,超越"(参见 para-(1))+ noos "头脑",其起源不确定。
FOR several years frequent descriptions have been given in the foreign journals, especially German and Italian, of the forms of insanity designated by the names Paranoia, Verrücktkeit, and Wahnsinn. ["Paranoia — Systematized Delusions and Mental Degenerations," J. Séglas (transl. William Noyes), 1888]
多年来,外国期刊,特别是德国和意大利期刊,频繁地描述了被称为 Paranoia 、Verrücktkeit 和 Wahnsinn 的精神病形式。["Paranoia - Systematized Delusions and Mental Degenerations," J. Séglas (transl. William Noyes), 1888]
最早记录年份: 1848