德国巴伐利亚首府,德文 München,源自 Mönch “修道士”(见 monk)的词根; 由本笃会修道士于1158年建立为一个市镇。在“绥靖”方面的典故中,它指的是1938年9月29日德国、英国、法国和意大利代表在那里会晤,结果是为了希特勒的承诺而将苏台德地区割让给德国。
During the flight [from Munich] Daladier sat silent and morose, worried about the reception he would receive at Le Bourget, about how the French would react to his having betrayed Czechoslovakia and France's promises. As the plane circled for landing, he and others saw a massive crowd awaiting them. Expecting jeers, hisses, rotten fruit, and maybe worse, Daladier declared stolidly: 'They are going to mob me, I suppose. ... I appreciate their feelings,' and insisted on absorbing their wrath by being the first off the plane. But as he stood dumbfounded on the gangplank, thousands surged forward carrying flags and flowers, shouting 'Hurrah for France! Hurrah for England! Hurrah for peace!' Daladier turned back to Léger and cursed, 'The God-damned fools!' [Benjamin F. Martin, "France in 1938"]
最早记录年份: 1158