mollycoddle (v.)
同时也在 molly-coddle,1839年(隐含于 mollycoddling ),指“过度被宠坏的,过分讲究的,柔弱的男子”,最早见于一个名词(1828年),意为“过于受宠的,讲究的,柔弱的男性”,源于 Mary 中的昵称(来自 Molly ),此词自至少1707年起被贬低地用来指“懦弱的人,柔弱的男人”(见 molly (n.1)) + coddle (q.v.)。相关词汇: Mollycoddled。
All his pursuits had been sedentary; for he never went out but with his mother. He was not allowed to stroll about the farm with his father, lest he should get his clothes dirty and his feet wet. In short, he was what Giles Darman pronounced him to be—"a little mollycoddle." ["Babbington Droneham," Hood's Magazine, March 1844]
最早记录年份: 1839