one-horse (adj.)
"小规模的,琐碎的",1853年,美国英语,口语,指城镇; 见 one + horse(n.)。可能源于早期用于指马车、雪橇、犁等“由一匹马拉动”的用法(1750年); 也指“只有一匹马”的农民; 因此,“琐碎的,小规模的,资源有限的; 低劣的”。
Shortly afterwards I took a stroll over the town. It was what is generally denominated a "one horse town," and I would think a pretty small pony at that. Two stores, one grocery, a stable, and four dwellings made up the sum of its buildings. ["Daguerreotyping in the Back Woods," in Yankee Notions, March, 1855]
不久之后,我在镇上散步。它通常被称为“一匹马的城镇”,我认为那只是一匹相当小的马驹。两家商店,一家杂货店,一个马厩和四栋住宅构成了它的建筑总数。["Daguerreotyping in the Back Woods," in Yankee Notions, March, 1855]
最早记录年份: 1853