Mohammedan (adj.)
"与 Mohammed 有关"(见相关词条)。作为名词,意为"一个穆斯林"。相关词汇: Mohammedanism。
mohammedan 的相关词汇
Muhammad 的英语语音转写的旧称。
The worst of letting the learned gentry bully us out of our traditional Mahometan & Mahomet ... is this: no sooner have we tried to be good & learnt to say, or at least write, Mohammed than they are fired with zeal to get us a step or two further on the path of truth, which at present seems likely to end in Muhammad with a dot under the h .... [H.W. Fowler, "A Dictionary of Modern English Usage," 1926]
学识精英让我们放弃我们传统的< Mahometan >和< Mahomet >,最糟糕的是:我们刚刚学好,学会说或至少写作< Mohammed >,他们就热衷于叫我们在真理之路上向前迈进一两步,这似乎预示着< Muhammad >的终结,并带有小圆点....[H.W.福勒,"现代英语用法词典",1926年]