minke (n.)
小鲸鱼的一种类型(Balaenoptera acutorostrata),1939年,据说来自挪威姓氏 Meincke。
The name minke is said to have derived from one of Svend Foyn's crew by the name of Meincke, who mistook a school of these whales for blue whales. Whalers all over the world considered this incident so amusing that they used his name as a household word to describe this species. [J.N. Tønnessen & A.O. Johnsen, "The History of Modern Whaling" (transl. R.I. Christophersen), 1982]
据说,米因克的名字来源于 Svend Foyn 的一名船员 Meincke,他误将这些鲸鱼群视为蓝鲸。全世界的捕鲸者都认为这件事很有趣,他们用他的名字作为家喻户晓的词来描述这个物种。[J.N. Tønnessen & A.O. Johnsen,“现代捕鲸史”(翻译 R.I. Christophersen),1982年]
在英语中也被称为 lesser rorqual 和 little piked whale。
最早记录年份: 1939