loot (n.)
"goods taken from an enemy, etc.," 1802(出自伦敦查尔斯·詹姆斯的《军事词典》),英印混合语,源自印地语 lut,来自梵语 loptram, lotram “战利品,被盗财物”,源自 PIE *roup-tro-,源自根 *reup- “抢夺”(见 rip(v.))。
LOOTICS, Ind. A term in India to express a body of irregular horsemen, who plunder and lay waste the country, and harrass the enemy in their march. They may be compared to the Hulans of Europe and other free-booters.
LOOTY WALLOW, Ind. A term of the same import as Lootics.
[James, "Military Dictionary"]
LOOTICS, Ind. 印度术语,用于表达一群不规则的骑兵,他们抢劫和破坏国家,并在敌人行军时骚扰他们。他们可以与欧洲的胡兰人和其他自由掠夺者相比较。
LOOTY WALLOW, Ind. 与 Lootics 意思相同的术语。
最早记录年份: 1802
loot (v.)
"抢劫; 掠夺",1821年,来自 loot(名词)。相关词汇: Looted; looting。
最早记录年份: 1821