uppercut (n.)
拳击中,一种向上挥拳的近身攻击,起源于1831年,来自 upper + cut(名词)。也许这个形象是通过在树干上向上(以及向下)切割来砍倒一棵树。
It was on a side hill, and I observed a boy, who appeared to be about fifteen years of age, opposite the house felling a large tree; he had cut a few chips from the under side, and was then making the principal incision on the upper. ... I said to the boy, "Well Sir, I see that you make the upper cut." "That is the true cut," said the boy; "for if you will take the axe and try below, you will find that the tree will crowd down upon your chips, and you can't get it down in double the time." [Theodore Sedgwick, "Hints to My Countrymen," 1826]
它在一个侧面的山坡上,我看到一个看起来约十五岁的男孩,站在房子对面砍倒一棵大树; 他从下面切了几片木屑,然后在上面做了主要的切口。...我对男孩说:“好吧,先生,我看到你做了上切口。”男孩说:“那是正确的切口,因为如果你拿着斧头在下面试试,你会发现树会压在你的木屑上,你需要花双倍的时间才能把它砍倒。”[西奥多·塞奇威克,《给我的同胞的提示》,1826年]
最早记录年份: 1831