Logos (n.)
1580年代,“基督教三位一体的第二位——神圣的话语”来自希腊语 logos “话语,言论,陈述,演讲”,也指“计算,账户”,还指“理性,判断,理解”,来自 PIE *log-o-,是词根 *leg-(1)的带后缀形式,意为“收集,聚集”,派生词意为“说话”,基于“挑选词语”的概念。新柏拉图主义者在形而上学和神学意义上使用了这个希腊词,涉及“理性”和“话语”的概念,随后被新约圣经的作者采用。
logos 的相关词汇
它构成或成为以下词汇的一部分: alexia; analects; analogous; analogue; analogy; anthology; apologetic; apologue; apology; catalogue; coil; colleague; collect; college; collegial; Decalogue; delegate; dialect; dialogue; diligence; doxology; dyslexia; eclectic; eclogue; elect; election; epilogue; hapax legomenon; homologous; horology; ideologue; idiolect; intelligence; lectern; lectio difficilior; lection; lector; lecture; leech(n.2)“医生”; legacy; legal; legate; legend; legible; legion; legislator; legitimate; lesson; lexicon; ligneous; ligni-; logarithm; logic; logistic; logo-; logogriph; logopoeia; Logos; -logue; -logy; loyal; monologue; neglect; neologism; philology; privilege; prolegomenon; prologue; relegate; sacrilege; select; syllogism; tautology; trilogy。
据推测该词根来源是:希腊语 legein “说,讲,说出,宣告,计数”,最初指荷马史诗中的“挑出、选择、收集、列举”, lexis “言语,措辞”, logos “言语,想法,观点,记述”; 拉丁语 legere “收集,选择,摘; 阅读”, lignum “树木,柴火”,原意为“所收集的东西”, legare “委派,委任,授权”, lex “法律”(也许是“规则的收集”); 阿尔巴尼亚语 mb-ledh “收集,收获”; 哥特语 lisan “收集,收获”; 立陶宛语 lesti “挑选,采摘”; 赫梯语 less-zi “挑选,收集”。
“corresponding (to some other) in particulars,” 1640s,源自拉丁语 analogus,来自希腊语 analogos,“成比例的,按照适当的比例”,由 ana “贯穿; 根据”(见 ana-)和 logos “比率,比例”组成,是一个专业用语(见 Logos)。通常与 to 或 with 一起使用。
A term is analogous whose single signification applies with equal propriety to more than one object: as, the leg of the table, the leg of the animal. [William Flemming, "The Vocabulary of Philosophy," 1858]
一个词是 analogous 的,如果它的单一意义同样适用于多个对象:例如,桌子的腿,动物的腿。[William Flemming,“哲学词汇”,1858]
- analogue
- apologue
- apology
- Decalogue
- logarithm
- logic
- logistic
- logogriph
- logopoeia
- neologism
- philology
- ratio
- syllogism
- trilogy