infra (adv.)
"下面的,以下的,更远的",源自拉丁语 infra "below, under, beneath"(见 infra-)。拉丁语单词有时在脚注中出现。
infra 的相关词汇
这个构词成分的含义为“以下,下方”,源自拉丁文 infra (副词和介词)表示“在下面,下面,下侧,下面”,也表示“更晚; 更小; 低于”,与 infernus “低下的,下方的” 相关,源自原始印欧语言 *ndher “下方”(来源还包括梵文 adnah “以下”,古英语 under “下面,在..之中; 参见 under)。现代流行用法始于20世纪20年代,作为 super- 的反义词,常用于科幻小说中。“这种对 infra- 的使用几乎不是拉丁语的”[《牛津英语词典》]。
infralapsarian (adj.)
1731年,来自 infra - + 拉丁语 lapsus "a fall"(见 lapse(n.))+ 结尾来自 unitarian 等。
[In theology], the doctrine held by Augustinians and by many Calvinists, that God planned the creation, permitted the fall, elected a chosen number, planned their redemption, and suffered the remainder to be eternally punished. The Sublapsarians believe that God did not permit but foresaw the fall, while the Supralapsarians hold that God not only permitted but decreed it. [Century Dictionary]