inflexion (n.)
见 inflection; 也见 -xion。相关: Inflexional。
inflexion 的相关词汇
inflection (n.)
也 inflexion,15世纪早期,源自拉丁语 inflexionem(主格 inflexio)“弯曲,屈折,改变”的名词,来自 inflectere 的过去分词词干“弯曲,改变”(参见 inflect)。拼写方面,请参见 connection。语法意义上的“变化”指的是1660年代的词形变化或词类变化; 发音意义上的“声音调节”指的是大约1600年的情况。
"Derivation" can be defined as the process by which lexical items belonging to different word-classes are drawn from given bases. Derivation must be distinguished from inflexion, by which different paradigmatic forms are created from given stems. Inflexion describes plural formations, forms of comparison, etc. Inflexion processes do not change the word-class to which the lexical item under consideration belongs. [Alfred Bammesberger, "English Etymology," Heidelberg, Carl Winter, 1984]
"-ion"结尾在美式英语中常用于某些单词,而在英式英语中则更倾向于使用以 -ction 结尾的单词,例如 connexion, complexion, inflexion,因为这更符合拉丁语规则。