hooch (n.)
也称 hootch,指“廉价威士忌”,起源于1897年,是 Hoochinoo(1877)的缩写,指“阿拉斯加印第安人酿造的酒”,得名于阿拉斯加的一个土著部落,他们酿造的蒸馏酒在1898年的淘金热中备受矿工们的喜爱; 据 OED 称,这个部落的名字来自于 Tlingit 语中的 Hutsnuwu,字面意思是“灰熊堡垒”。
As the supply of whisky was very limited, and the throats down which it was poured were innumerable, it was found necessary to create some sort of a supply to meet the demand. This concoction was known as "hooch"; and disgusting as it is, it is doubtful if it is much more poisonous than the whisky itself. [M.H.E. Hayne, "The Pioneers of the Klondyke," London, 1897]
由于威士忌的供应非常有限,而需要喝的人却数不胜数,因此必须创造某种供应来满足需求。这种混合饮料被称为“hooch”; 尽管它很恶心,但它是否比威士忌本身更有毒,还是值得怀疑的。[M.H.E. Hayne,“The Pioneers of the Klondyke”,伦敦,1897年]
最早记录年份: 1897