1738年(名词),1768年(形容词),由 episcopal 和 -ian 组成。相关词汇: Episcopalianism(1821年左右)。
The awkward derivative episcopalianism, seems to be used for episcopacy, a good English word, which was quite sufficient for the purposes of our honest forefathers, who were strangers to this ridiculous innovation. The word complained of is also reprehensible on the ground of its sectarian termination. ["On the Terms Episcopalian and Episcopalianism," in The Gospel Advocate, October 1821]
这个笨拙的衍生词"episcopalianism"似乎是用来代替"episcopacy"的,而"episcopacy"是一个非常好的英语单词,足以满足我们诚实的祖先的需要,他们对这个可笑的创新还不了解。这个被抱怨的词汇也因为其教派的结尾而受到谴责。["论"Episcopalian"和"Episcopalianism"这两个术语",刊于"The Gospel Advocate",1821年10月]
最早记录年份: 1738