dumdum (n.)
1897年,一种金属外壳的子弹在印度孟加拉的 Dum-Dum 兵工厂命名。英国军队士兵制造了这种子弹,用来对付部落人的狂热冲锋。1899年,根据国际宣言,这种子弹被禁止使用。这个地名的字面意思是“山、土堆、炮台”,与波斯语 damdama 同源。
It was to stop these fanatics [Ghazi] — and that firstclass fighting man Fuzzy-Wuzzy, of the Soudan and of Somaliland—that the thing known as the Dum-Dum bullet was invented. No ordinary bullet, unless it hits them in a vital part or breaks a leg, will be sufficient to put the brake on these magnificently brave people. ["For Foreign Service: Hints on Soldiering in the Shiny East," London, 1915]
正是为了制止这些狂热分子[ Ghazi ],以及苏丹和索马里的一流战士 Fuzzy-Wuzzy,才发明了被称为 Dum-Dum 子弹的东西。除非击中他们的要害部位或者打断他们的腿,普通的子弹是不足以制止这些勇敢的人的。["For Foreign Service: Hints on Soldiering in the Shiny East," London, 1915]
Pile on the brown man's burden
And if ye rouse his hate,
Meet his old fashioned reasons
With Maxims up-to-date;
With shells and dum dum bullets
A hundred times make plain,
The brown man's loss must ever
Imply the white man's gain.
[Henry Labouchère, from "The Brown Man's Burden," 1899]
用现代化的 Maxims
用炮弹和 Dum-Dum 子弹
[Henry Labouchère, from "The Brown Man's Burden," 1899]
最早记录年份: 1897