dormant (adj.)
14世纪末,意为"固定在位置上",来源于古法语 dormant (12世纪),是 dormir"睡觉"的现在分词,源自拉丁语 dormire "睡觉",来自于源自于PIE根 *drem- "睡觉" (另见旧教会斯拉夫语 dremati "睡觉, 打瞌睡," 希腊语 edrathon "我睡觉",梵语 drati "睡觉")。
The Neapolitans are never so much afraid of this fiery Mountain as when its Flames lie, as 'twere, dormant ; for then it is that they live in constant Fear of a fresh huge Eruption, or, much worse, an Earthquake. [from the entry for "Vesuvius" in Brice's "Grand Gazetter Or Topographic Dictionary," 1760]
那些居住在火山周围的那不勒斯人从来不会像这座火山被熄灭时那样害怕,因为那时他们一直生活在对新的大喷发或更糟糕的地震的不断恐惧中。[摘自 Brice 的 "Grand Gazetter Or Topographic Dictionary" 中对于 "Vesuvius" 的条目,1760年]
最早记录年份: late 14c.