despotic (adj.)
"关于或具有专制或专制主义性质的",1640年代,来自法语 despotique(14世纪),源自希腊语 despotikos,源自 despotēs “绝对统治者”(参见 despot)。到1734年,“无限制的,任意的,暴虐的”。在18世纪也有 despotick。相关词汇: Despotical; despotically。
Despotic monarchs sincerely anxious to improve mankind are naturally led to endeavour, by acts of legislation, to force society into the paths which they believe to be good, and such men, acting under such motives, have sometimes been the scourges of mankind. Philip II. and Isabella the Catholic inflicted more suffering in obedience to their consciences than Nero or Domitian in obedience to their lusts. [W.E.H. Lecky, "A History of European Morals," 1869]
怀着改善人类的真诚愿望的专制君主自然而然地试图通过立法行为将社会强制引导到他们认为正确的道路上,这样的人,出于这样的动机,有时会成为人类的鞭笞。菲利普二世和伊莎贝拉·卡斯蒂利亚在顺从他们的良心时造成的痛苦比尼禄或多米提安在顺从他们的欲望时造成的痛苦还要多。[W.E.H. Lecky,《欧洲道德史》,1869年]
最早记录年份: 1640s