brigandage (n.)
"有组织的团伙进行的公路抢劫",大约在1600年,源自法语 brigandage,来自 brigand(见 brigand)。
最早记录年份: c. 1600
brigandage 的相关词汇
brigand (n.)
大约在1400年,也称为 brigaunt,“轻装不规则步兵”,源自于14世纪的古法语 brigand,来自意大利语 brigante “骑兵,游击队员,步兵”,源自于 brigare “打架,战斗”(见 brigade)。“强盗,海盗,靠抢劫为生的人”的意义在英语中较早出现(14世纪晚期),反映了职业雇佣军和武装有组织的罪犯之间缺乏区别。
Probably then it was in the sense of skirmishers that the name of brigand was given to certain light-armed foot-soldiers, frequently mentioned by Froissart and his contemporaries. ... The passage from the sense of a light-armed soldier to that of a man pillaging on his own account, is easily understood. [Hensleigh Wedgwood, "A Dictionary of English Etymology," 1859]
可能是在游击队员的意义上, brigand 这个名字被赋予了某些轻装步兵,弗罗萨特和他的同时代人经常提到他们。...从轻装士兵的意义到自己掠夺的人的意义的转变很容易理解。[亨斯利·韦奇伍德,“英语词源词典”,1859年]