coffee-house (n.)
还有 coffeehouse,"供应咖啡和其他饮品的娱乐场所",1610年代,源自 coffee + house(名词)。在17世纪晚期的伦敦,它们是重要的政治中心,为后来的俱乐部所起的作用; 每个派别和政党都有自己选择的咖啡馆。
The coffee-house must not be dismissed with a cursory mention. It might indeed, at that time [1685], have been not improperly called a most important political institution. No Parliament had sat for years. The municipal council of the city had ceased to speak the sense of the citizens. Public meetings, harangues, resolutions, and the rest of the modern machinery of agitation had not yet come into fashion. Nothing resembling the modern newspaper existed. In such circumstances, the coffee-were the chief organs through which the public opinion of the metropolis vented itself. [Macaulay, "History of England"]
最早记录年份: 1610s