

词汇 peritas and bucephala
Peritas and Bucephala. It is said that Alexander the Great, mourning his dog Peritas, renamed an ancient city Peritas in his honor. The tale isn’t unlikely, considering that Alexander did name another city after his horse. Bucephalus was Alexan- der’s favorite Thracian charger, a spirited stallion that only the conqueror could ride and who would kneel down to let his master mount. Alexander rode Bucephalus in his campaigns to conquer the world and “the bull-headed or bull-courage one” is said to have died of wounds or heart strain at the age of 20, af- ter swimming the flooded Jhelum River and then carrying his master in full armor through a hard day’s fighting on a hot June day. The emperor named the ancient city of Bucephala in northern India in his horse’s honor, possibly even building it as the fabled charger’s mausoleum, its site identified by a mound outside the modern Jhelum.




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