

词汇 honest abe
Honest Abe. The most common nickname for Abraham Lincoln, inspired by the “every schoolboy knows” stories of his honesty. The Rail Splitter is another well-known Lincoln nick- name, from his splitting fence rails as a young man in Illinois. Least known is his derogatory nickname Spot Lincoln, because as a congressman he had questioned President Polk’s story that Mexico started the Mexican War on U.S. soil, Lincoln de- manding that the spot where this had happened be identified. In the South Lincoln was often called Old Abe and his enemies also called him the Ape (based on Abe and his aspect), as well as the Baboon. Blacks often called Lincoln Uncle Abe and his White House staff affectionately called him the Tycoon, the first use in America of this Japanese term for a military leader. Lincoln, of course, is also known as the Liberator, the Emanci- pator and the Great Emancipator, for his freeing of 4 million slaves. His wife was known as the She-Wolf and, rarely, Mrs. President; many of her contemporaries thought her bad- tempered and meddling.




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