

词汇 hippocratic oath
Hippocratic oath. The original version of the Hippocratic Oath, which in altered form is still administered to medical school students upon graduation, begins with an invocation to the gods: “I swear by Apollo the physician . . .” All forms of the oath memorialize Hippocrates (ca. 460–377 b.c.), “The Father of Medicine,” but not a line of it was written by the Greek phy- sician and surgeon, it being rather the body of Greek medical thought and practice of his day. The words do, however, em- body Hippocrates’ ideals. Believed to have been born on the is- land of Cos off the coast of Asia Minor, the son of a physician who claimed descent from the Greek god of medicine, Hippoc- rates apparently studied medicine with his father and philoso- phy under the famed Democritus. He separated medicine from superstition, and his acute observations have been used in medical teaching for centuries. Hippocrates was at least 85 when he died, and some estimates put his age at 110. See extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases; life is short; time heals all wounds.




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