

词汇 byronic
Byronic. George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788–1824), contrib- uted to the creation of the Byronic hero with deeds as much as poems. Byron’s slight lameness, his good looks (which were lik- ened to the Apollo Belvedere), his myriad and often sensational romantic entanglements, his wanderings on the Continent and his devotion to the cause of Greek freedom, were among many factors that made the English poet the perfect model for the wildly romantic yet despairing and melancholy heroes of his poems. Byron’s poetry was the most popular of his day, at home and especially abroad, despite its criticism on what today might be considered ridiculous moral grounds. No English poet but Shakespeare had greater influence on European literature, and all Byron’s major works, such as Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage and Don Juan, have stood the test of time. The poet was haunted in his lifetime by the charge that he committed incest with his half-sister, Mrs. Augusta Leigh. His tempestuous life, the pa- nache and bravura of this poet (“His eyes the open portals of the sun—things of light and for light,” in Coleridge’s words; “The only man to whom I could apply the word beautiful,” ac- cording to another contemporary) were more romantic than any of his poems. Byron died in Missolonghi, Greece, of malar- ial fever when only 35. His heart is buried there, where he had sought a soldier’s grave in the name of Greek freedom. His body lies buried in England in a small village church, the au- thorities having refused his burial in the Poet’s Corner of West- minster Abbey.




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