

词汇 occam-s razor
Occam’s razor. Occam’s razor, the philosophic principle of economy or parsimony, holds that universal essences should not be unnecessarily multiplied, which means simply that a scientific explanation should contain only those elements abso- lutely necessary. The axiom is named for William of Occam (ca. 1280–1349), an English philosopher and Franciscan who was a pupil of Duns Scotus and who dissected every question as with a razor. Occam became general of the Franciscan or- der and his philosophy helped pave the way for pragmatic Re- naissance science. He and his followers held that the existence of God and immortality are not capable of philosophical proof and must be accepted on faith alone. His name comes from the town of Ockham in Surrey, where he was probably born. “The Invincżble Doctor,” as he was called, so formidable was he in debate, he opposed Pope John XXII over a question of monastic poverty, which led to his imprisonment and excommunication.




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