

词汇 good gray poet
Good Gray Poet. We Americans haven’t bestowed affection- ate sobriquets on many of our poets, but Walt Whitman (1819– 92), surely our greatest poet, is an exception. Whitman was given the name Good Gray Poet by William Douglas O’Connor, who used the words as the title of his 1866 book, which was written in defense of his friend Whitman when the poet was fired from his clerkship in the Indian Bureau of the Depart- ment of the Interior on the grounds that his poetry collection Leaves of Grass was immoral. Much later, Whitman wrote the preface for his friend’s Three Tales, which was published post- humously in 1892 and included a story called “The Carpenter,” a Christ-like portrait of the poet. In his old age, with his full flowing gray beard, Whitman seemed more the Good Gray Poet than ever.




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