

词汇 a barbara fritchie
a Barbara Fritchie. A courageous, patriotic old woman. The term is from John Greenleaf Whittier’s famous poem “Barbara Frietchie,” in which a 96-year-old Mrs. Frietchie flaunts the U.S. flag in the face of Confederate troops marching through Frederick, Maryland. The poem was based on a true incident, but Whittier gave credit to the wrong flag waver. The real epo- nym should have been Mrs. Frietchie’s neighbor, Mrs. Mary Quantrell. Mrs. Quantrell in reality was not molested by the Confederates, who raised their hats as they passed, saying, “To you Madam, and not to your flag.” Whittier, who got his infor- mation from novelist Mrs. E.D.E.N. Southworth, later admitted his mistake.




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