

词汇 black friday etc
Black Friday, etc. The first Black Friday in the British finan- cial world fell on May 10, 1886, when certain brokers sus- pended payments and a widespread panic ensued. America’s first Black Friday also came in 1886, when Jay Gould and Jim Fisk tried to bribe public officials in an attempt to corner the gold market; their manipulation failed when the government released gold for sale, but it ruined thousands of investors. With the Panic of 1929, the beginning of America’s Great De- pression, came Black Wednesday (October 23) when stocks began falling; Black Thursday (October 24), the day the bot- tom dropped out of the market; and Black Tuesday (October 29), when over 16 million shares were traded. Black Monday was Easter Monday in 1360, a terrible day for the English ar- mies in France, while Black Saturday refers to August 4, 1671, when there was a violent storm in Scotland. History seems to record no Black Sunday. Black Friday today usually means the Friday after Thanksgiving, marking the beginning of the Christmas season, when manufacturers and retailers often see their books go from in the red to in the black, giving them a profit for the year. However, the Saturday before Christmas is generally the most profitable day of the year for U.S. retailers.




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