

词汇 myrtle
myrtle. Myrtle takes its name from myrtos, the Greek word for the plant. Myrtle crowns were awarded to victors of the Greek Olympic games, and the plant has been a symbol of strength and love since ancient times. The Romans offered myrtle to Priapus as tokens of their gratitude for success in sex- ual affairs. The ancient Britons dedicated the plant to their goddess of love, always including myrtle in bridal bouquets and often planting myrtles near the homes of newlyweds. Men- tioned in Petronius’s Satyricon, myrtle berries, leaves, and flow- ers were used in many love potions, and the plant’s aromatic leaves and flowers have long been employed in perfumery. There are more than 100 species of myrtle from both the Old and New Worlds. In Greek mythology, Phaedra, the wife of Theseus, fell in love with her stepson Hippolytus, but he reject- ed her advances. While awaiting his return one day she sat un- der a myrtle shrub (Myrtus communis) and wiled away the time by piercing its leaves with a hairpin. This is why, according to legend, the leaves of the myrtle reveal many little punctures when viewed under a strong light. Phaedra hanged herself after falsely accusing Hippolytus as her seducer. Theseus then ban- ished Hippolytus and caused his son’s death. Myrtle, which originated in western Asia, is believed by the Arabs to be one of the three things (along with a date seed and a grain of wheat) that Adam took with him when he was cast out of Paradise. According to Roman mythology, Venus wore a garland of myr- tle when she rose from the sea, and when satyrs tried to watch her bathing in the nude she hid behind a myrtle bush.




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