shriek (v.)
"尖叫; 尖叫; 发出尖而刺耳的叫声",因疼痛、恐惧、悲伤而产生,也可为笑声等,该词形于16世纪,是 scrycke, skriken(约1200年)的变体,源自古诺尔斯语 skrækja(参见 screech ),可能是拟声形式。及物动词义于1590年代。相关词汇: Shrieked; shrieking。名词形式自1580年代开始使用,指“尖锐的尖叫声”,其源于动词。
A shriek is sharper, more sudden, and, when due to fear or pain, indicative of more terror or distress than a scream. Screech emphasizes the disagreeableness of the sharpness or shrillness, and its lack of dignity in a person. It is more distinctly figurative to speak of the shriek of a locomotive than to speak of its scream or screech. [Century Dictionary]
shriek 比 scream 更为尖锐,更突然,如果是由于恐惧或疼痛,表明的是更大的恐惧或痛苦。Screech 强调这种锋利或尖锐的不愉快性,以及它在一个人中的不体面性。用比喻的方式来说,机车的 shriek 比其声音或 screech 更具体。[世纪词典]
最早记录年份: 16c.