bosun (n.)
19世纪中期的重新拼写,以反映现代 boatswain 的发音。
最早记录年份: mid-19c.
bosun 的相关词汇
boatswain (n.)
15世纪中期, bot-swein,“船上的次要官员”,源自晚期古英语 batswegen,来自 bat “船”(见 boat(n.))+古诺尔斯语 sveinn “男孩”(见 swain)。
BOATSWAIN. The warrant officer who in the old Navy was responsible for all the gear that set the ship in motion and all the tackle that kept her at rest. [Sir Geoffrey Callender, "Sea Passages," 1943]
他还用银哨召唤船员履行职责。拼音 bo'sun/bosun 可追溯至1840年。福勒[1926]写道,“航海发音(bō'sn)已经变得如此普遍,以至于避免使用它比使用它更做作。”