tarantella (n.)
1782年,“意大利流行的农民舞蹈”,最初是指“狂躁症,表现为极度跳舞的冲动”(1630年代),在15世纪至17世纪的阿普利亚和意大利南部相邻地区流行,普遍认为是由于被毒蝎咬伤。然而,这很可能是民间词源学,舞蹈和蜘蛛的名称更可能源于意大利南部城市 Taranto 的名称(参见 tarantula)。从1833年开始用于指伴随这种舞蹈的音乐风格,通常是6/8拍子,带有旋转三连音和突然的大调-小调变化。相关: Tarantism。
Those who were bitten generally fell into a state of melancholy, and appeared to be stupified, and scarcely in possession of their senses. This condition was, in many cases, united with so great a sensibility to music, that at the very first tones of their favourite melodies, they sprang up, shouting for joy, and danced on without intermission, until they sank to the ground exhausted and almost lifeless. [Babington's translation of J.F.C. Hecker, "The Epidemics of the Middle Ages," London, 1859]
被咬的人通常会陷入忧郁状态,似乎麻木不仁,几乎失去了理智。在许多情况下,这种情况与对音乐的极度敏感性相结合,当他们最喜欢的旋律响起时,他们会欢呼雀跃,不间断地跳舞,直到筋疲力尽,几乎失去生命力。[巴宾顿(Babington)翻译自 J.F.C.赫克(J.F.C. Hecker)的《中世纪流行病》,伦敦,1859年]
最早记录年份: 1782