open-minded (adj.)
此外, openminded,“心胸开阔的; 坦率的”,也指“思想开放,不狭隘,没有偏见”,1828年首次记录在卡莱尔的作品中; 源自 open(形容词)+ -minded。引申义上,指涉到心灵、双手等的 open(形容词)的使用可以追溯到15世纪早期。相关词汇: Open-mindedly; open-mindedness。
Could we hope that, in its present disjointed state, this emblematic sketch ["Wanderjahre"] would rise before the minds of our readers, in any measure as it stood before the mind of the writer; that, in considering it, they might seize only an outline of those many meanings which, at less or greater depth, lie hidden under it, we should anticipate their thanks for having, a first or a second time, brought it before them. As it is, believing that to open-minded, truth-seeking men, the deliberate words of an open-minded, truth-seeking man can in no case be wholly unintelligible, nor the words of such a man, as Goethe, indifferent, we have transcribed it for their perusal. [Carlyle, "Goethe," 1828]
如果我们能希望,在其现在支离破碎的状态下,这个象征性的素描 ["Wanderjahre" ]能在我们读者的心中以与作者相似的程度上浮现,那么在考虑它时,他们可能会抓住它下面隐藏的众多意义的轮廓,我们将预期他们对我们第一次或第二次将其呈现给他们表示感谢。尽管如此,我们相信对于思想开放、追求真理的人来说,一个思想开放、追求真理的人的深思熟虑的言辞在任何情况下都不会完全难以理解,而这样一个人的言辞,如歌德所说,也不会被漠视,因此我们将其抄录供他们阅读。【卡莱尔,《歌德》,1828年】
最早记录年份: 1828