austerity (n.)
14世纪中期,“严厉,苛刻”,源自14世纪的古法语 austerite “严酷,残忍”,直接源自拉丁语 austeritatem(主格 austeritas),源自 austerus “严厉,刻板”,在古典拉丁语中是一种比喻用法,表示“严厉,酸涩”(参见 austere)。
从1580年代开始,“严格的自我约束,禁欲修行”; 因此,在第二次世界大战期间,被应用于限制非必需品的国家政策,以实现战时经济。
[Austerity] stands just at the edge of that frame of mind which regards self-denial as good for its own sake ; it pushes simplicity of living and the refusal of pleasure beyond what is deemed necessary or helpful to right living by the great mass of those who are equally earnest with the austere in trying to live rightly. [Century Dictionary]
[ Austerity ] 就处于那种将自我克制视为本身有益的心态的边缘; 它将生活的简朴和拒绝享乐推向了众人认为必要或有助于正确生活的范围之外。[世纪词典]
最早记录年份: mid-14c.