supper (n.)
13世纪中期, soper,“一天中的最后一餐”,源自古法语 soper “晚餐”,该词源于日耳曼语(见 sup(v.1))。
Formerly, the last of the three meals of the day (breakfast, dinner, and supper); now applied to the last substantial meal of the day when dinner is taken in the middle of the day, or to a late meal following an early evening dinner. Supper is usually a less formal meal than late dinner. [OED]
曾经是一天中的三餐之一(早餐、午餐和晚餐)的最后一餐; 现在用于在中午吃午餐或在早晚吃晚餐后的晚餐。晚餐通常比晚餐要正式得少。[OED]
最早记录年份: mid-13c.