sermocination (n.)
1510年代,"一次谈话",源自拉丁语 sermocinationem(主格 sermocinatio),动作名词,来自过去分词词干 sermonari "谈话,演讲,长篇演说",源自 sermo(参见 sermon)。从1753年开始用于修辞学。相关词汇: Sermocinator,动作名词; sermocinatrix "一个女性说话者"(1620年代); sermocinate(1620年代)。
A form of prosopopoeia in which the speaker, having addressed a real or imaginary hearer with a remark or especially a question, immediately answers for the hearer: as, "Is a man known to have received foreign money? People envy him. Does he own it? They laugh. Is he formally convicted? They forgive him." [Century Dictionary]
一种拟人修辞手法,演讲者在向真实或想象中的听众发表评论或尤其是问题后,立即为听众回答:例如,"一个人被知道收到外国钱吗?人们嫉妒他。他拥有吗?他们笑了。他被正式定罪了吗?他们原谅了他。" [世纪词典]
最早记录年份: 1510s