reprisal (n.)
15世纪初, reprisail,指的是“为了对自己遭受的损失进行等价报复而没收另一个国家的财产或公民”,源自盎格鲁-法国 reprisaille(14世纪中叶),古法语 reprisaille(现代法语 représaille),早期意大利 ripresaglia,源自 ripreso,拉丁语过去分词 riprendere “拿回”,源自拉丁语 reprendere,早期为 reprehendere “抓住,约束”,字面意思为“拉回,抑制”(参见 reprehend)。
首次出现在 letters of mark and reprisal,即官方授权的令状。1710年开始出现“报复行为”的普遍意义。
Reprisals differ from retorsion in this, that the essence of the former consists in seizing the property of another nation by way of security, until it shall have listened to the just reclamations of the offended party, while retorsion includes all kinds of measures which do an injury to another, similar and equivalent to that which we have experienced from him. Embargo, therefore, is a species of reprisals. [Theodore Dwight Woolsey, "Introduction to the Study of International Law," Boston: 1860]
Reprisals 与 retorsion 的区别在于,前者的本质在于通过没收另一个国家的财产作为保证,直到它听取了受冒犯一方的合理抗议,而 retorsion 包括了所有对另一个国家造成伤害的措施,类似于我们从他那里经历的伤害。因此,禁运是报复的一种形式。[西奥多·德怀特·伍尔西,《国际法研究导论》,波士顿:1860年]
最早记录年份: early 15c.