preprocess (v.)
也称 pre-process,意为“经过初步处理的”,起源于1956年,由 pre- “之前”和 process(动词)组成。相关词汇: Preprocessed; preprocessing。
Preprocessed foods are not only here but are gaining such a tremendous acceptance that soon there will be little else on the market. This eliminates the need for mixing, peeling, blending and other devices used in the preparation of raw foods. [Popular Mechanics, October 1956]
预处理食品不仅存在,而且正在获得如此巨大的认可,以至于市场上很快就几乎没有其他选择了。这消除了混合、削皮、混合和其他用于准备生食的设备的需要。[Popular Mechanics,1956年10月]
最早记录年份: 1956