plenteous (adj.)
约于1300年, plenteivous,意为“肥沃的,多产的”,源自早期13世纪的古法语 plentivos, plentiveus,意为“肥沃的,富饶的”,源自 plentif,意为“丰富的”,源自 plentee,意为“丰富”(见 plenty)。从14世纪后期开始,意为“丰富的,充足的,丰富的”。现代形式始于14世纪后期。相关词汇: Plenteously; plenteousness。
plenteous, -iful. As with other pairs in -eous & -iful (e.g. from bounty, beauty, duty, pity), the meaning of the two is the same, but the -eous word is the less common & therefore better suited to the needs of poetry & exalted prose ; for these it should be reserved. [Fowler, 1926]
plenteous, -iful。与 bounty, beauty, duty, pity 等其他 -eous 和 -iful 的词对一样,两者的意思相同,但 -eous 的词较不常见,因此更适合诗歌和高尚散文的需要; 对于这些需要,应该保留它。[福勒,1926]
最早记录年份: c. 1300